Summer Term 2022: Year 6 Newsletter

Year 6 Newsletter


This term is always a busy one for Year 6, as we prepare for final Key Stage Two teacher assessments and the transition to secondary school!


Throughout the term, we’ll be immersing ourselves in ancient Middle Eastern history where we will be going back in time to visit Baghdad 800AD, as well as exploring Ancient Mayan civilisation. Science will see us exploring the great outdoors and investigating habitats around school. Our topic work will involve historical inquiry, geographical skills, scientific investigations as well as religious education and philosophy.  Our physical missions led by the character leads will test out resilience, teamwork and communication skills.


Home learning

To help support your child at home, we encourage parents to read with their child daily. Frequent reading will enable your child to increase their language fluency, comprehension skills and reading stamina and will help with all areas of the curriculum. Children should bring their reading books into school daily.


Support with homework where possible would help enable your child to progress further throughout the year. For homework, we ask for you to listen to your child read at least 3 times a week for 10 minutes, record that you have listened to them in their reading record, and help your child practise their spellings.


We will be continuing to focus on learning new vocabulary, and these words will be sent home every other week in the form of ‘fridge words’- designed to be stuck on the fridge or somewhere else in the house! We’d appreciate it if you can talk about these words with your child and see where you can fit them into your daily conversations to help us make them stick in your child’s long term memory!


General information

PE will take place on the following days in the summer term:

·       6NB Mondays

·       6LS Tuesdays

·       6SS Wednesdays

·       6AH Thursdays 


For safety reasons, please ensure that your child brings trainers/pumps for these lessons. Earrings should not be worn for PE. If studs cannot be removed, they should be covered by a plaster. If you do have any concerns or need more information, do get in touch! Thank you for your ongoing support for this academic year.


The Year 6 team

Assistant Principal of Year 5 and 6 – Mrs Hetherington

6SS – Miss Shaw   

6AH – Miss Hall   

6NB – Miss Bostan  

6LS – Miss Stuart

Year 6 Teaching Assistants – Mrs Gillespie, Mrs Panayiotou, Mrs McGuire

Summer Term 2022: Year 5 Newsletter

Year 5 Newsletter

Summer term, here we go!

As we enter the last term of the school year, the staff at Briscoe Lane are incredibly excited for what is still to come!



Year 5 are currently studying Sir Ranulph Fiennes as part of our exciting RESPECT curriculum, he was the first explorer to cross the Antarctica from one side to the other on foot. We are continuing with the Wise Owl Trust’s brand Cyber Curriculum, which is a series of insightful and engaging workshops to promote the character values (Respect, Empathy, Self-awareness, Positivity, Excellence, Communication and Teamwork) required to foster intrinsic self-control when offered the anonymity of the World Wide Web. In our writing lessons, we will be focusing on writing short stories, play scripts, poetry and non-chronological reports. In Maths, we are using our knowledge of shapes to identify and understand lines of symmetry of a range of shapes, we will also be solving fractions, percentages and decimals maths problems.   

Home learning


To help support your child at home, we encourage parents to read with their child daily. Frequent reading will enable your child to increase their language fluency, comprehension skills and reading stamina and will help with all areas of the curriculum. Children should bring their reading books into school every day.

Support with homework where possible would help enable your child to progress further throughout the year. For homework, we ask for you to listen to your child read at least 3 times a week for 10 minutes, record that you have listened to them in their reading record, and help your child practise their spellings.

General information

PE will take place on the following days in summer term:

·       5SB Mondays

·       5JD Tuesdays

·       5HO Wednesdays


For safety reasons, please ensure that your child brings appropriate footwear for these lessons and does not wear earrings. If studs cannot be removed, they should be covered by a plaster. Please can you also send your child in school with a bottle of water, though if this is not possible, they will have access to water in class.


Our Year 5 Team


Assistant Principal of Year 5 and 6 – Mrs Hetherington

5HO – Miss Owen, Mrs Jackson

5JD – Miss Dooley, Mrs Mooney

5SB – Ms Brown, Mrs Wallwork


If you do have any concerns or need more information, please ring the office or make an appointment through the school admin office. We hope all the children have a wonderful summer term!



Summer Term 2022: Year 4 Newsletter

Year 4 – Newsletter

Welcome Back

A big welcome back to all the pupils after the Easter break! I hope you all had a safe and happy break.


This term, Year 4 will be learning about Leif Erikson as part of their RESPECT curriculum. Leif Erikson, also known as Leif the Lucky, was a Norse explorer who is thought to have been the first European to have set foot on continental North America, approximately half a millennium before Christopher Columbus.

Throughout the first half of the term, the children will also take part in missions which will focus on our RESPECT values. They will need to use resilience, our communication skills and teamwork to successfully complete the missions together.  During the second half of term, the children will take part in WOW sessions which focus on looking after ourselves.

Home Learning

To help support your child at home, we encourage parents to read with their child. We are asking for parents to read with their child at least 3 times a week and to write a comment in their reading records. Please look at our fantastic homework menus, which you can find on the school website.

The children are continuing with daily spelling lessons through the Read Write Inc. program. Children will be sent home with their spelling log books to practice the spelling rule we are focusing on each or if your child attends phonics lessons they will bring home a sound to practice each week. We would appreciate your support to help your child/ren practise.

Similarly, the Year 4 children will be tested on their times tables during the final half term and so practising these at home will help to prepare them. We will be learning our times tables up to 12 and will be practising them in class also.

General information.

Swimming lessons will continue take place throughout the year on a weekly basis. To ensure your children get the best out of these sessions, please send them into school with the correct swimming costume and a towel.


The children will have weekly PE lessons throughout this term, so please ensure children bring in a pair of suitable shoes as with the weather improving, PE lessons will most likely take place outside.

4AC – Friday   4MT – Thursday   4CS – Thursday


Booster clubs – some children will be invited to attend writing and reading club during spring term. If your child is asked to come please support us in encouraging your child to attend, these sessions are to help their learning and close any gaps identified in the autumn term.

Multiplication Club – Tuesday after school until 4pm

Drama Club – Thursday after school until 4pm

ICT Club - Wednesday after school until 4pm

Our Year 4 Team –
4CS – Miss Southon, Miss Anjo, Miss Huntley

4AC – Mr Cooper, Mrs Roberts

4MT – Miss Taylor, Miss Bolger, Miss Bibi
Key Stage Lead – Mrs Buckley

If you do have any concerns or need more information, please speak to one of the class teachers on the playground before school, or make an appointment through the school admin office. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter where you will be able to catch up on our class news!



Summer Term 2022: Year 3 Newsletter

Year 3 – Newsletter

Welcome Back

A massive welcome back to all of our pupils! We hope you had a lovely Easter break. We wanted to say well done to all of the children for working very hard last term and we are looking forward to a fantastic final term!


To help the children catch up on any missed curriculum content, the children will still be focusing on either phonics or reading and spellings in the mornings. They will then move on to writing and mathematics. Also this term, Year 3 are studying Nellie Bly, an American journalist, who was famous for her record-breaking trip travelling around the world in 72 days. Our topic work will involve geographical skills, scientific investigations, technological designs and historical enquiries. During this topic, children will undertake Nellie Bly style missions based on her amazing adventure. These missions will test our teamwork, resilience, empathy and communication skills to the limit! We’re all excited to learn more about Nellie Bly and her astounding adventure around the world! You will receive homework menus with special activities relating to Nellie Bly and her expedition to complete at home. We hope you enjoy these activities!

Home Learning

To help support your child at home, we encourage parents to read with their child daily. Frequent reading will enable your child to increase their language fluency, comprehension skills and reading stamina and will help with all areas of the curriculum. Please send your child in daily with their reading book and reading record.

Another excellent way to support your child at home, is by practising spelling their high frequency words or practising the spelling rule they are being taught that week.

General Information

Water bottles – please send your child in with a reusable water bottle with your child’s name clearly marked.

PE – Children have PE lessons this half term with our school coach, Mr Hague. PE kits are provided by the school; however, we do require the children to bring in a pair of sensible shoes to participate in outdoor lessons. You can send your child in with a pair of shoes to keep in their lockers throughout the week.

Please feel free to send your child in with a healthy snack for playtimes.

Drop off and collection

Please bring your children to the junior playground by 8:45 in the morning, and then collect them at 3:15 at the end of the day.

Our Year 3 Team –
3EC – Miss Cooper and Mrs McNair                                                                      
3KN – Miss Newton and Miss Pilkington                                                    
3LE – Miss Edwards and Miss Shields   

Mrs Smith will also be supporting in Year 3.     

Madame Beth and Miss Rawling will also be in Year 3 for our weekly French and Computing lessons.                                                                                      

Key stage Lead – Mrs Buckley



Summer Term 2022: Year 2 Newsletter

Year 2 Summer Newsletter


As part of our RESPECT curriculum this term, our topic in Year 2 is Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Elizabeth II. We will be focusing on their lives and looking and their importance during events in History. Queen Elizabeth was born in 1533 and died in 1603. Queen Elizabeth was the last of the five monarchs of the House of Tudor.            Queen Elizabeth II was born in 1926 and is 96 years old. She is the longest reigning monarch in history.

The children will explore our characters and how significant events impacted History. In this part of History, we will study Queen Elizabeth’s life and role in society. We will also be exploring the Spanish Armada and how different England could have been today if England had not won.  

Year 2 will have weekly PE sessions focussing on “striking and fielding” where the children will use their RESPECT values to complete a range of fun and engaging activities.

This term the children will participate in WOW lessons. Below is an overview:

Lesson 1 We will be looking at how to save and spend money, the difference between “needing” and “wanting”, having a job means we can buy things with the money we earnt and what “community” means

Lesson 2 People make a range of choices about how they spend and save money – which is up to them. We learn about how to look after money and why this is important and the range of ways we can do this.

Lesson 3 – Learning that everyone has different strengths, interests and how to work collaboratively with people. Finally, how we talk and share our ideas with people as well as accepting different views.

Lesson 4 – Learning that everyone has different strengths, interests and how to work collaboratively with people. Finally, how we talk and share our ideas with people as well as accepting different views.

Lesson 5 – To have self-respect for your own body and be able to name the main body parts. We also learn and understand how to treat our bodies with respect and what to do if we hear (or are asked) something we don’t like.

Lesson 6 – To understand how it feels to be lonely or isolated. We will talk about preparing to move into another year group and what is kind and un-kind behaviour.





All of our missions represent the seven key behaviour traits of our RESPECT curriculum in an engaging and exciting way to equip our children for life beyond the classroom and promote positive mental health.

Our Behaviour traits:








Home learning


To help support your child at home, we encourage parents to read with your child daily and complete your child’s reading diary.  Frequent reading will enable your child to practise their phonics, their reading fluency and comprehension skills. Please bring book bags into school every day so children can read each morning and so that their books can be changed weekly.


We will no longer be sending home English and Maths homework. Your child’s homework is to now read a minimum of three times a week. Parents or guardians need to sign their child’s reading record weekly.

Clubs & Activities

PE sessions and Missions will take place at different times of the week in Year 2 due to hall bookings.

A range of booster sessions will be available for the children – please speak to your class teacher regarding these.

Our Year 2 Team – Mrs Wilkinson – KS1 leader

2AJ– Miss Jenkins and Mrs Ormrod.

2VR – Miss Roberts and Mrs Frys

2LW- Miss Winder and Miss Hill


If you have any concerns or need more information, please speak to one of the class teachers on the playground before school, or make an appointment through the school admin office.

Summer Term 2022: Reception Newsletter


Topics this half term.

This half term the stories we will be focusing on are ‘Pirates Love Underpants’ by Claire Freedman and ‘The Singing Mermaid’ by Julia Donaldson. 

In numeracy we will continue to work on our number bonds to 10 and addition and subtraction. We will also be looking at doubling and halving numbers to 20. Please ensure that your child can recognise numbers to 30. We will also be working on 3D shapes; which 2D/ 3D shapes does your child know already?

By the end of Reception, children are expected to write an independent sentence. Encourage your child to write CVC words and simple sentences at home independently. We would love to see your child’s work! You can email us pictures to- 

Remember to keep supporting your child at home with their blending and segmenting by listening to them read every night. We are also providing you with a “reading for pleasure” book, these will be chosen by your child each week. This is for you to read to them to help with their language development and foster a love for reading.  


Blackpool Zoo Visit

We are going to Blackpool Zoo on a school visit. This is inline with our topic next term, which is ‘Africa’.

We are going on Thursday 16th June 2022. We will be leaving school at 9am, please make sure that your child is early to school that day so we can get prepared and ready to go. School uniform must be worn and any packed lunches need to be in a disposable bag.

Morning Activities and Attendance

Every morning in Reception the children will have a different activity to complete to help support their learning. Our door opens at 8:45 and closes at 9:00. Any children that arrive after this time will have to go to the main office.

It is important that your child is arriving on time continuously throughout the year to help support their learning and development. 

If you would like any more information on our attendance policy, please speak to one of the class teachers.

Please join our Facebook page to keep up to date with events and news.

The Reception Team.

Summer Term 2022: Nursery Newsletter

Welcome back to Nursery

Welcome back everyone. We hope everyone had a lovely Easter break and are now feeling refreshed and ready for an exciting Summer term!

Topics this term.

This half term our topic is ‘The Farm’. The stories we will be focusing on are ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and ‘What the Ladybird Heard’. After half term, we will be reading ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ and ‘Handa’s Surprise’. During the topic we will be looking at different building materials and discussing which materials are the weakest and strongest. We will also be looking at different farm animals and how plants grow.

In Numeracy we will continue to work on our number recognition and counting skills. Counting up to 10 and starting to identify amounts, linked to numbers. We will also start looking at properties of shape and naming some 2D and 3D shapes.

Remember to keep supporting your children at home with letter formation and name writing. Looking for numbers in the environment will also help your child understand numbers and support their learning.

Ready for Reception

Many of our Nursery children will be moving up to Reception in September and we need your help to get the children ready for this transition. Speaking with your children about their worries will help your child to feel less anxious. Encouraging your child to write their name and simple CVC words (cat,dig,pot) without visual prompts will also help them ready for the high expectation of Reception. By the end of Reception children need to know 10 digraphs (two letters that make 1 sound such as sh and ch) and be able to write a simple sentence independently. For more information about the reception curriculum, please attend our EYFS Exhibition on the 18th May. More information below.


Homework has changed slightly this term due to having a new homework policy within school. Each child will be sent home a story book for you and your child to read together, a set one speed sound book, which has all the phonic sounds your child will be looking at in class and then either a wordless book for your child to retell the story using pictures or a sound blending book. Homework will still be given out every Friday and is due back in by Tuesday. Every week children need to be practicing their name writing, as well as recognising numbers 1-10 within the environment.  If you would like to send some pictures of your children completing their homework you can do so by emailing:

Morning Activities and Attendance

Every morning in Nursery the children will have a different activity to complete to help support their learning. Our door opens at 8:45 and closes at 9:00. Any children that arrive after this time will have to go to the main office. This is to help minimise disruptions during learning time. It is important that your child is arriving on time continuously throughout the year to help support their learning and development. 

If you would like any more information on our attendance policy, please speak to our attendance officer.

EYFS Exhibition 18th May 3:30- 5:00

On the 18th May we will be holding our annual EYFS Exhibition in the Junior Hall between 3:30 – 5:00. This is a chance for you and your child to meet the Nursery and Reception team, as well as other agencies and staff within our wider school.

Each stall will have different information on ways to support your child, as well as goodies to share at home.

 Please follow our Facebook page to keep up to date with events and news.

The Nursery Team.

Autumn Term 2021: Year 6 Newsletter

Year 6 Newsletter 

Welcome Back!

A big welcome back to all the pupils! The teachers, Miss Shaw, Miss Hall, Miss Bostan and Miss Stuart, are excited for all the fantastic learning ahead!


This term, we will be prioritising English, maths and reading due to the amount of time the children were not in the classroom last year. We will still be teaching a broad curriculum including WOW (Wise Owl Wellbeing) where we will be looking at emotions, online safety and how to keep our minds and bodies healthy!  Year 6 are going to be learning about World War Two, as part of the RESPECT curriculum. We can’t wait to learn all about the British war effort, evacuees, The Blitz and Dunkirk.

Home Learning

To help support your child at home, we encourage parents to read with their child daily. Frequent reading will enable your child to increase their language fluency, comprehension skills and reading stamina and will help with all areas of the curriculum. Children should bring their reading books into school daily.

Support with homework where possible would help enable your child to progress further throughout the year. English and maths homework is given out on Thursdays to be handed in by the following Tuesday. We also ask that the children practise their mental and written arithmetic as often as possible.

We will be continuing to focus on learning new vocabulary, and these words will be sent home every other week in the form of ‘fridge words’- designed to be stuck on the fridge or somewhere else in the house! We’d appreciate it if you can talk about these words with your child and see where you can fit them into your daily conversations to help us make them stick in your child’s long term memory!

General Information

PE will take place on the following days in the autumn term:

6NB Mondays

6LS Tuesdays

6SS Wednesdays

6AH Thursdays


For safety reasons, please ensure that your child brings trainers/pumps for these lessons. Earrings should not be worn for PE. If studs cannot be removed, they should be covered by a plaster.


Also, a reminder that we are a ‘Nut Free’ school. Please do not put anything in your child’s lunchbox which contains nuts as we have some pupils with severe allergies.


Please do send a labelled water bottle into school with your child so they can stay hydrated throughout the day.


Our Year 6 Team

Assistant Principal of Year 5 and 6 – Mrs Hetherington

6SS – Miss Shaw  

6AH – Miss Hall  

6NB – Miss Bostan 

6LS – Miss Stuart

Year 6 Teaching Assistants – Mrs Gillespie, Mrs Panayiotou


If you do have any concerns or need more information, do get in touch! Thank you for your ongoing support for this academic year.

Autumn Term 2021: Year 5 Newsletter

Year 5 Newsletter

An exciting autumn term ahead!

After a refreshing break, the staff at Briscoe Lane are extremely excited to meet their new classes this term. Year 5 is a busy year, which brings challenges but also fun, growth and confidence in every child’s learning!


Year 5 are currently studying Tim Peake as their character this term. Tim Peake was the 8th Briton to go into space and the first British Astronaut to go to the International Space Station! As part of our exciting RESPECT curriculum, we will be learning all about ocean currents in Geography and all things space in science.   Mindfulness will be incorporated into our school day to ensure children can reach optimum concentration levels and feel confident living in the present. We will also be introducing the new Wise Owl Wellbeing curriculum, which is absolutely fantastic! In ICT, Year 5 will be focusing on Digital Literacy, which refers to an individual's ability to find, evaluate, and clearly communicate information through typing and other media on various digital platforms. In our writing lessons, we will be writing a detailed character and setting description, based on the book Cosmic. This book links really well with our space topic as it is all about how a boy named Liam gets lost in space! In maths, we will be gaining confidence in our number and place value knowledge. 

Home learning

At the start of term, each child in the class receives a reading book, which must be taken home and brought into school every day. To help support your child at home, we encourage parents to read with their child daily. Frequent reading will enable your child to increase their language fluency, comprehension skills and reading stamina and will help with all areas of the curriculum. We would like to congratulate the children who completed the Reading Challenge set up by Manchester City Council over summer, as this is a fantastic achievement and will have certainly helped with your reading skills. As always, support with homework, where possible, would help enable your child to progress and build their confidence. Please take a look at our fantastic homework menus, which you can find on the school website. English and maths homework is given out on Thursday and is due in the following Tuesday. This will be completed online on Google Classroom, however please speak to class teachers if you are unable to access it. We also ask that the children practice their times tables as often as possible as well as spelling their high frequency words or the spelling rule they are being taught during the week.

General information

This term, Year 5 PE days are as follows:

5SB – Mondays

5JD – Tuesdays

5HO – Wednesdays

Please ensure your child brings in appropriate trainers to wear for PE.

For safety reasons, earrings must be removed or covered with a plaster, and long hair tied up.

If you have any concerns or need more information, please speak to the class teacher in the playground or ring the office to make an appointment.


All the Year 5 staff would like to give you all a warm welcome and look forward to a great year ahead.


Assistant Principal UKS2: Mrs Hetherington

Year 5 teachers:

5HO Miss Owen

5JD Miss Dooley

5SB Miss Brown

Teaching assistants: Mrs Mooney, Mrs Jackson, Mrs Wallwork

 Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter, where you will be able to catch up on all our news!


Autumn Term 2021: Year 4 Newsletter

Year 4 – Newsletter

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome Back
A big welcome back to all the pupils! We’ve missed you! The teachers, Miss Taylor, Miss Southon and Mr Cooper have been hard at work preparing for the new term and sorting the Year 4 classrooms.

This year the year 4 team will be out on the playground both before and after school therefore if you require to see your child’s class teacher we will be more than happy to speak with you then. If you need a longer conversation then please do make us aware and we will be more than happy to arrange this time with you.

This term, Year 4 will be working very hard in all their learning.  We will be focussing on reading, writing and maths in our morning sessions and will focus on our topic subjects in the afternoon.  As part of our RESPECT curriculum we will be learning about Bear Grylls.  Bear Grylls is a British adventurer, writer and television presenter, most well-known for his TV shows, such as ‘Man vs Wild’ and ‘Born Survivor’. We are excited to find out about his survival techniques and his adventures hiking across the Himalayas and climbing Mount Everest! The children will also take part in missions which will focus on our RESPECT values. We will need to use resilience, our communication skills and teamwork to successfully complete the missions together.  In the second half of the term the children will be taking in part in WOW sessions which focus on wellbeing and self-care.  The children will also be practising mindfulness throughout the week.

Madame Beth and Miss Rawling will also be in Year 4 for our weekly French and Computing lessons.                                                                                      

Home Learning
To help support your child at home, we encourage parents to read with their child daily. Frequent reading will enable your child to increase their language fluency, comprehension skills and reading stamina and will help with all areas of the curriculum. Support with homework where possible would help enable your child to progress further throughout the year. Please take a look at our fantastic homework menus, which you can find on the school website and at the front of your child’s homework book. English and Maths homework is given out on Thursday and is due in the following Tuesday. Another excellent way to support your child at home, is by practising spelling their high frequency words or practising the spelling rule they are being taught that week. Spellings will be given out on a Thursday and there will be a spelling quiz on the Friday of the following week. Similarly, the Year 4 children will be tested on their multiplication tables at the end of the year and so practising these at home will help to prepare them. We will be learning our multiplication tables up to 12x12 and will be practising them in class also.

General Information
Water bottles – Please send your child in with a reusable water bottle with your child’s name clearly marked.                                                                                                                                                                                     PE – PE kits are provided by the school. However, we do require the children to bring in a pair of sensible shoes to participate in outdoor lessons. You can send your child in with a pair of shoes to keep in their lockers throughout the week.
Fruit – During playtimes we do have fruit available for purchase. You can pay each day at 20p or pay for the full week at £1. Please feel free to send your child in with a healthy snack for playtimes.
Swimming - Swimming lessons will take place throughout the year on a weekly basis. 
4MT – Monday afternoons                     4AC and 4CS – Thursday mornings
To ensure your children get the best out of these sessions, please send them into school with the correct swimming costume and a towel.

Drop off and collection

This year we have returned to our previous years pick up and drop off times.  Please drop your child off promptly at 8.45 on the junior playground entrance 1 each day.  Collection at the end of the day is also at junior playground entrance 1 and is at 15.15

Our Year 4 Team –

4AC – Mr Cooper and Mrs Roberts          

4MT – Miss Taylor, Miss Bolger and Mrs Smith

4CS – Miss Southon, Miss Lowton and Mr Fletcher                               

Key Stage Lead – Mrs Buckley



Autumn Term 2021: Year 3 Newsletter

Year 3 – Newsletter

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome Back

A massive welcome back to all of our pupils! We’ve missed you! Your teachers this year are: Miss Cooper, Miss Newton and Miss Edwards.


To help the children continue to catch up on any missed curriculum content, the children will be focusing on reading, English and maths in the mornings.  Children will also undertake catch up sessions and further information will be sent out about this following our initial teacher assessments. Also this term, Year 3 will be learning all about Ed Stafford as part of their RESPECT curriculum! Ed Stafford was the first man to walk the length of the Amazon River that runs through the Amazon Rainforest in South America. The children will learn all about his adventure and any difficulties that he would have faced. Ed Stafford used a lot of the values that our school curriculum is based around.  In addition to this, the children will be taking part in mindfulness lessons as well WOW sessions which focus on wellbeing and self care.

Home Learning

To help support your child at home, we encourage parents to read with their child daily. Frequent reading will enable your child to increase their language fluency, comprehension skills and reading stamina and will help with all areas of the curriculum. Please send your child in daily with their reading book and reading record.

Support with homework where possible would help enable your child to progress further throughout the year. Please take a look at our fantastic homework menus, which you can find on the school website and at the front of your child’s homework book. English and Maths homework is given out on Thursday and is due in the following Tuesday.

Another excellent way to support your child at home, is by practising spelling their high frequency words or practising the spelling rule they are being taught that week. Spellings will be given out throughout the year and the children will be tested on them.

General Information

Water bottles – please send your child in with a reusable water bottle with your child’s name clearly marked.

PE – PE kits are provided by the school; however, we do require the children to bring in a pair of sensible shoes to participate in outdoor lessons. You can send your child in with a pair of shoes to keep in their lockers throughout the week.

Drop off and collection

Our drop off and collection times have returned to normal, and these will both take place on the junior playground entrance 1 each day.  Please bring your children to the junior playground by 8:45 in the morning, and then collect them at 3:15 at the end of the day.

Our Year 3 Team –
3EC – Miss Cooper and Mrs McNair                                                                      
3KN – Miss Newton and Miss Pilkington                                                    
3LE – Miss Edwards      

Mrs Smith, Miss Shields and Miss Bolger will also be supporting in Year 3.     

Madame Beth and Miss Rawling will also be in Year 3 for our weekly French and Computing lessons.                                                                                      

Key Stage Lead – Mrs Buckley



Autumn Term 2021: Year 2 Newsletter

Welcome to Year 2!

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome Back
A big welcome back to all the pupils in Year 2! It is great to see you all again and all of those happy faces as we begin our new term. The teachers, Miss Jenkins, Miss Winder and Miss Roberts, have been hard at work preparing for the new term and sorting the Year 2 classrooms to get them ready for our return. This year is a really significant year in school for your children, as they embark on their final year of Key Stage 1 and prepare for Key Stage 2. They will become confident, independent learners this year and develop the many skills they have learnt already! We are aiming for a ‘can do’ attitude from all pupils J 

Teachers will be out on the playground for a few minutes before school each day at 8:45 to meet the children and will be at the door after school until all children have been dismissed. We understand that you may be anxious to meet your new child’s teacher and have lots of questions, so please feel free to speak to us if you have any queries.

This term, Year 2 will be focussing on reading, writing and maths in our morning sessions and topic learning in the afternoon. We do Read Write Inc for phonics to support our learning of sounds and sight words for reading. As part of our RESPECT curriculum we will be learning all about Samuel Pepys and the Great Fire of London.  The children will be taking on a journey back in time, exploring how the terrible disaster started in 1666 and how times have changed since. The children will also take part in missions linked to this topic with our Commando Joes. The missions will focus on our RESPECT values- Resilience, Empathy, Self- awareness, Positivity, Excellence, Communication and Teamwork!  We will need to use resilience, our communication skills and teamwork to successfully complete the missions together.

Home Learning
To help support your child at home, we encourage parents to read with your child daily. Frequent reading will enable your child to increase their language fluency, comprehension skills and reading stamina and will help with all areas of the curriculum. Please bring book bags, reading book and reading record each day so the children can read in class. Supporting your child with their homework where possible would help enable them to progress further throughout the year. Please take a look at our fantastic homework menus, which you can find on the school website and at the front of your child’s homework book. English and Maths homework is given out on Wednesday and is due in the following Monday. Another excellent way to support your child at home, is by practising reading and spelling of the common exception words for Year 2. These will be handed out in the back of homework books. This year we will also be practising reciting our 2x, 5x, and 10x tables, so any practise at home the children can do to recall these will help to prepare them for SATS J 

General Information
Water bottles – Please send your child in with a reusable water bottle each day with their name clearly marked. The children have access to these at all times during the school day and keeping hydrated is really important. Polite reminder – please only send water in your child’s bottle. Fizzy drinks are not allowed.                                                                                                                                                                               PE – PE kits are provided by the school and children will get changed in school on their designated PE day. Each class has a different PE day due to busy timetables.
Fruit – During playtimes we do have fruit available for every child each day.



Drop off and collection

School starts at 8:50 and the children are expected to line up on the playground at their class space.

Children in Miss Roberts class will leave at 3:10pm from the entrance next to the upper school car park.

Miss Winders class will leave at 3:15pm from the same door (upper school car park entrance)

Miss Jenkins’ class will leave from the entrance opposite the hub building on the same playground.  


Our Year 2 Team –

KS1 lead- Mrs Wilkinson

2AJ – Miss Jenkins and Miss Ormrod

2VR  – Miss Roberts and Mrs Frys
2LW – Miss Winder and Miss Hill


We are really looking forward to working with your child this year and hope that they enjoy their time in Year 2 and always try to do their very best J

Autumn Term 2021: Year 1 Newsletter

Year 1 Autumn Newsletter

Welcome back to all parents, carers and children! We are excited for all children to be back and hope you continue to be healthy, happy and safe. We look forward to a great year in Year 1.


To start off our term and as part of the RESPECT curriculum this term, our topic in Year 1 is ‘Simba & Me’.  We will be focusing on Walt Disney and looking at how inspirational he was. Walt Disney is well known for being an animator, cartoonist and film director. He is best known for his character creations such as Mickey Mouse. He became famous for his first ever movie, ‘Snow White & the seven dwarfs’ which aired in 1937! There are a series of Missions we are going to complete linked to this topic through PE based activities. As part of our missions, we will develop our teamwork skills and work together to solve problems linked to the wonderful world of Walt Disney and his brilliant films. PE sessions and Missions will take place at different times of the week in Year 1 due to booking the hall or outdoor spaces for Mission time.

For Phonics learning this year, we will be following the ‘Read Write Inc’ scheme. You can access resources and videos to support your child at home on youtube and on the Oxford Owl website (start from set 1 sounds). Phonics clubs and boosters will begin in the coming weeks.  Please see below the links to some useful phonics websites that will support the learning of phonics at home and the phonics set sounds in the order in which they will be learnt.

We will also be doing maths daily, including mental maths with your child to develop their skills. Here are some useful sites to use for maths learning at home.

Home learning

To support your child at home, we encourage parents to read with their child daily! Frequent reading will enable your child to practise their phonics, their reading fluency, comprehension skills and recognising the kick start words for Year 1. These can be found in the reading record books. Please bring book bags into school every day so children can read each morning and so that their books can be changed weekly.

Please also take a look at our homework menus, which you can find at the front of the children’s homework books. We are excited to see the children’s creations from the homework menu- there are some really enjoyable activities to do alongside our topic work. English and Maths homework is given out on Wednesday and is due in at the latest the following Monday.             


General Information

School times – School will start at 8:45am and finish at 3:15pm.
Water bottles – Please send your child in with a reusable water bottle with your child’s name clearly marked.
PE – PE kits are provided by the school. However, we do require the children to bring in a pair of sensible shoes to participate in outdoor lessons. You can send your child in with a pair of shoes to keep in their lockers throughout the week.


Our Year 1 Team

Mrs Wilkinson – KS1 leader

1CC- Miss Cunliffe and Mrs Rigby

1RY- Miss Yeomans and Mrs Beaumont

1SH – Miss Horsfall and Miss Burke – Thompson

1WF – Mrs Farey and Miss Burke - Thompson

Please note: After the Christmas half term 1SH will change to 1WF and children will be moved into the end year 1 classroom.

If you do have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to speak to one of the class teachers before school starts, or make an appointment through the school admin office.


Autumn Term 2021: Reception Newsletter

Welcome to Reception

Welcome back to all the children and families. We hope you are ready for an exciting year in Reception! Our year is jam-packed with exciting and wonderful topics and events.  We hope all the children have a fantastic time with us!


Topics this half term.

Our topic this term is ‘All About Me.’

We will be focusing on two books that celebrate individuality and being unique.

The books we will be reading are ‘Dogs’ by Emily Gravett and ‘Only One You’ by Linda Kranz. You can find versions of the story on YouTube and it may be beneficial to watch these together at home and talk about the story with your child.

Arriving to and from school

It is very important that you arrive to school at your set time each morning and collect at the set time each day after school. School starts for Reception children at 8.50am and finishes at 3.10pm.  

Homework and reading books

Please bring your book bag into school every day. On a Thursday we will keep your book bag in school so that we can get your new homework into your book ready to go out on a Friday.  

You will be sent some number cards. Please can you practise number recognition, shapes, colours and name writing at home with your child in addition to their homework.

Water bottles

Please can all children bring a water bottle into school. This is to make sure that your child has access to water throughout the day as we are now discouraging reusable cups.

Meet the team

Reception 1 -  Miss Ennis and Miss Haselden  

Reception 2 - Mrs Fraser and Miss Lewis

Reception 3 - Miss Horsfall and Miss Thompson 

We know this year is going to be full of success stories and that the children will excel with their learning.

If you do have any concerns or need more information, please speak to one of the class teachers who will be happy to help.

Here’s to a great year!

The Reception Team.

Autumn Term 2019/20: Year 6 Newsletter

Year 6 Newsletter

Welcome Back

A big welcome back to all the pupils! The teachers, Miss Shaw, Miss Hall and Miss Shah, have been hard

at work preparing for the new term and getting the Year 6 classrooms ready.


This term, Year 6 are learning about Nancy Wake, a secret agent spy during World War Two, as part of the

RESPECT curriculum. We can’t wait to learn all about the British war effort, evacuees, The Blitz and Dunkirk.

We are also excited to take part in class missions to experience some of the challenges soldiers and secret agents would have faced. We will need to show excellent communication, resilience and self-awareness skills to fulfil the missions.

Home learning

To help support your child at home, we encourage parents to read with their child daily. Frequent reading will enable your child to increase their language fluency, comprehension skills and reading stamina and will help with all areas of the curriculum. Children should bring their reading books into school daily.

Support with homework where possible would help enable your child to progress further throughout the year.

Please take a look at our fantastic homework menus, which you can find on the school website. English and Maths homework is given out on Thursday and is due in the following Tuesday. We also ask that the children practise their mental and written arithmetic as often as possible.

Another excellent way to support your child at home, is by practising spelling their high frequency words or practising the spelling rule they are being taught that week.

General information

We are really looking forward to our PE sessions with City in the Community sports coaches every Thursday.

For safety reasons, please ensure that your child brings appropriate footwear for these lessons. Earring should not be worn for PE. If studs cannot be removed, they should be covered by a plaster.

Our Year 6 Team

SS – Miss Shaw, Mrs Hislop

AH – Miss Hall, Mrs Jackson

ZS – Miss Shah, Miss Ormrod

If you do have any concerns or need more information, please speak to one of the class teachers on the

playground before school, or make an appointment through the school admin office.

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook where you will be able to catch up on our class news!

Autumn Term 2019/20: Year 5 Newsletter

Year 5 Newsletter

Welcome Back

A big welcome back to all the pupils! The teachers, Miss Bostan and Miss Dooley, have been hard at work

preparing for the new term and getting the Year 5 classrooms ready.


This term, Year 5 are studying Tim Peake, an inspiring British astronaut, as part of the RESPECT curriculum. We can’t wait to learn all about space and the solar system, and take part in class missions to experience some of the challenges astronauts face. We will need to show determination and resilience to overcome these challenges. Our fantastic class novel will be ‘Cosmic’ by Frank Cotrell-Boyce, which is a hilarious and exciting contemporary story about an eleven-year-old boy competing for the chance to go into space!

Home learning

To help support your child at home, we encourage parents to read with their child daily. Frequent reading will enable your child to increase their language fluency, comprehension skills and reading stamina and will help with all areas of the curriculum. Children should bring their reading books into school every day.

Support with homework where possible would help enable your child to progress further throughout the year.

Please take a look at our fantastic homework menus, which you can find on the school website. English and Maths homework is given out on Thursday and is due in the following Tuesday. We also ask that the children practise their times tables as often as possible to help consolidate their skills.

Another excellent way to support your child at home, is by practising spelling their high frequency words or practising the spelling rule they are being taught that week. Please see the attached letter for more information.

General information

PE sessions are every Wednesday. For safety reasons, please ensure that your child brings appropriate

footwear for these lessons and does not wear earrings. If studs cannot be removed, they should be covered by

a plaster.

Our Year 5 Team –

NB – Miss Bostan, Mrs Maguire, Mrs Lowton

JD – Miss Dooley, Miss Gillespie, Miss Connolly

If you do have any concerns or need more information, please speak to one of the class teachers on the

playground before school, or make an appointment through the school admin office.

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook where you will be able to catch up on our class news!

Autumn Term 2019/20: Year 4 Newsletter

Year 4 – Newsletter

Welcome Back

A big welcome back to all the pupils! The teachers, Miss Newton, Miss Taylor

and Mr Burns, have been hard at work preparing for the new term and sorting

the Year 4 classrooms.


This term, Year 4 will be learning about Bear Grylls as part of their RESPECT

curriculum! Bear Grylls is a British adventurer, writer and television presenter, most

well-known for his TV shows, such as ‘Man vs Wild’ and ‘Born Survivor’. We are

excited to find out about his survival techniques and his adventures hiking across the

Himalayas and climbing Mount Everest! The children will also take part in missions

which will focus on our RESPECT values. We will need to use resilience, our

communication skills and teamwork to successfully complete the missions together.

Home Learning

To help support your child at home, we encourage parents to read with their child

daily! Frequent reading will enable your child to increase their language fluency,

comprehension skills and reading stamina and will help with all areas of the


Support with homework where possible would help enable your child to progress

further throughout the year. Please take a look at our fantastic homework menus,

which you can find on the school website and at the front of your child’s homework

book. English and Maths homework is given out on Thursday and is due in the

following Tuesday.

Another excellent way to support your child at home, is by practising spelling their

high frequency words or practising the spelling rule they are being taught that week.

Spellings will be given out on a Thursday and there will be a spelling quiz on the

Friday of the following week.

Similarly, the Year 4 children will be tested on their Timestables at the end of the year

and so practising these at home will help to prepare them. We will be learning our

Timestables up to 12 and will be practising them in class also.

General Information

Swimming lessons will take place throughout the year on a weekly basis.

4MT – Monday afternoons

4KN and 4BB – Thursday mornings

To ensure your children get the best out of these sessions, please send them into

school with the correct swimming costume and a towel.

Club letters will be sent out in due course. Please return reply slips as soon as

possible to guarantee your child’s place.

Our Year 4 Team –

4KN – Miss Newton, Miss Bolger

4BB – Mr Burns, Miss Shields

4MT – Miss Taylor, Mrs Smith, Miss Wallwork

Key Stage Lead – Mrs Buckley

Madame Beth and Mr Trueman will also be in Year 4 every Friday for our weekly

French and Computing lessons.

If you do have any concerns or need more information, please speak to one of the

class teachers on the playground before school, or make an appointment through the

school admin office.

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook where you will be able to catch up on our class


Autumn Term 2019/20: Year 3 Newsletter

Year 3 Newsletter

Welcome Back

A big welcome back to all the pupils! The teachers, Miss Connor, Miss Cooper

and Mr Cooper have been hard at work preparing for the new term and getting

the new Year 3 classrooms ready.


This term, Year 3 will be looking at Ed Stafford as part of their RESPECT curriculum. Ed

Stafford is a celebrated adventurer and he holds a Guinness World Record for being

the only person in the world to walk the entire length of the Amazon River. Stafford

trekked more than 4,000 miles through the Amazon—surviving hostile locals,

venomous snakes, and huge distances without food resupplies—for nearly two and a

half years (860 days).

During this topic, children as adventurers will travel to the Amazon rainforest,

through Brazil and Peru. We can’t wait to step in to the shoes of Ed Stafford and learn

all about the Amazon rainforest. We will need to show determination, team work and

resilience to overcome the many challenges we will face.

Home learning

To help support your child at home, we encourage parents to read with their child

daily! Frequent reading will enable your child to increase their language fluency,

comprehension skills and reading stamina and will help with all areas of the

curriculum. Please can children bring in their reading books and reading records daily,

this will help their teachers to do additional reading and change their books.

Support with homework where possible would help enable your child to progress

further throughout the year. Please take a look at our fantastic homework menus,

which you can find on the school website. English and Maths homework is given out

on Thursday and is due in the following Wednesday. We also ask that the children

practice their times tables as often as possible to help consolidate their skills.

Another excellent way to support your child at home, is by practising spelling their

high frequency words or practising the spelling rule they are being taught that week.

Please see the attached letter for more information.

General information

We are really looking forward to our PE sessions with City in the Community sports

coaches every Thursday. For safety reasons, please ensure that your child brings

appropriate footwear for these lessons. Can we also try and avoid sending children in

with earrings on these days, to avoid any possibility of injury.

Club letters will be sent out in due course. Please return reply slips as soon as

possible to guarantee your child’s place.

During breaktimes, fruit is available for children to purchase. The cost for fruit is 20p

a day or you can send in £1 on a Monday to pay for the week.

Our Year 3 Team –

JC – Miss Connor

EC – Miss Cooper

AC – Mr Cooper

Miss Mooney, Miss Hill, Mrs. Rigby and Mr. Fletcher.

If you do have any concerns or need more information, please speak to one of the

class teachers on the playground before school, or make an appointment through the

school admin office.

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook where you will be able to catch up on our class


Here’s to a fantastic year

Autumn Term 2019/20: Year 2 Newsletter

Year 2 Autumn Newsletter


As part of the RESPECT curriculum this term, our topic in Year 2 is ‘Pocahontas’. We will

be focusing on her life and looking at how inspirational she was. Pocahontas is one of the

most famous women in Native American history. Pocahontas was the daughter of Chief

Powhatan. She met Jon Smith, the leader of the Jamestown colony in 1607. There is a

famous story about Pocahontas saving John Smith’s life. According to the story, Smith was

captured by Powhatan’s warriors, and was about to be killed. Pocahontas intervened and

rescued Smith.

There are a series of Missions we are going to complete linked to this topic through PE based activities.

As part of our missions, we will develop our teamwork skills and work together to successfully complete

missions. In one mission, children will be asked to navigate through dangerous forests to keep their tribe

safe from the colonists. They will have a range of problems to solve such as ‘Can you construct a bridge

strong enough to hold crops?’

Home learning

To help support your child at home, we encourage parents to read with their child daily! Frequent reading

will enable your child to practise their phonics, their reading fluency and comprehension skills. Please

bring book bags into school every day so children can read each morning and so that their books can be

changed weekly.

Please take a look at our homework menus, which you can find at the front of the children’s homework books.

We are excited to see the children’s creations from the homework menu and DOJO points will be given for the efforts made. English and Maths homework is given out on Thursday and is due in at the latest the following Wednesday.

Phonics spellings will be given out each Monday and the children will need to practise each night in

preparation for a spelling test on a Friday.

Clubs & Activities

PE sessions and Missions will take place at different times of the week in Year 2 due to booking the hall for

Mission time.

Singing Assembly - Tuesday afternoons

Homework club - Thursday after school until 4pm.

Art club – Tuesday after school until 4pm.

Due to the amount of children in Year 2, places are limited to 10 per class, so will be given on a first come first served basis. Your child will be given a slip if they have a space.

Our Year 2 Team – Mrs Wilkinson – KS1 leader

2KW – Miss Wolstenholme and Miss Tierney

2SB – Miss Brown, Mrs Frys and Miss McNair

2WF- Mrs Farey, Miss Pilkington and Miss Bolger.

If you do have any concerns or need more information, please speak to one of the class teachers on the

playground before school, or make an appointment through the school admin office.

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