Autumn Term 2021: Year 5 Newsletter

Year 5 Newsletter

An exciting autumn term ahead!

After a refreshing break, the staff at Briscoe Lane are extremely excited to meet their new classes this term. Year 5 is a busy year, which brings challenges but also fun, growth and confidence in every child’s learning!


Year 5 are currently studying Tim Peake as their character this term. Tim Peake was the 8th Briton to go into space and the first British Astronaut to go to the International Space Station! As part of our exciting RESPECT curriculum, we will be learning all about ocean currents in Geography and all things space in science.   Mindfulness will be incorporated into our school day to ensure children can reach optimum concentration levels and feel confident living in the present. We will also be introducing the new Wise Owl Wellbeing curriculum, which is absolutely fantastic! In ICT, Year 5 will be focusing on Digital Literacy, which refers to an individual's ability to find, evaluate, and clearly communicate information through typing and other media on various digital platforms. In our writing lessons, we will be writing a detailed character and setting description, based on the book Cosmic. This book links really well with our space topic as it is all about how a boy named Liam gets lost in space! In maths, we will be gaining confidence in our number and place value knowledge. 

Home learning

At the start of term, each child in the class receives a reading book, which must be taken home and brought into school every day. To help support your child at home, we encourage parents to read with their child daily. Frequent reading will enable your child to increase their language fluency, comprehension skills and reading stamina and will help with all areas of the curriculum. We would like to congratulate the children who completed the Reading Challenge set up by Manchester City Council over summer, as this is a fantastic achievement and will have certainly helped with your reading skills. As always, support with homework, where possible, would help enable your child to progress and build their confidence. Please take a look at our fantastic homework menus, which you can find on the school website. English and maths homework is given out on Thursday and is due in the following Tuesday. This will be completed online on Google Classroom, however please speak to class teachers if you are unable to access it. We also ask that the children practice their times tables as often as possible as well as spelling their high frequency words or the spelling rule they are being taught during the week.

General information

This term, Year 5 PE days are as follows:

5SB – Mondays

5JD – Tuesdays

5HO – Wednesdays

Please ensure your child brings in appropriate trainers to wear for PE.

For safety reasons, earrings must be removed or covered with a plaster, and long hair tied up.

If you have any concerns or need more information, please speak to the class teacher in the playground or ring the office to make an appointment.


All the Year 5 staff would like to give you all a warm welcome and look forward to a great year ahead.


Assistant Principal UKS2: Mrs Hetherington

Year 5 teachers:

5HO Miss Owen

5JD Miss Dooley

5SB Miss Brown

Teaching assistants: Mrs Mooney, Mrs Jackson, Mrs Wallwork

 Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter, where you will be able to catch up on all our news!


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