Summer Term 2022: Year 2 Newsletter

Year 2 Summer Newsletter


As part of our RESPECT curriculum this term, our topic in Year 2 is Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Elizabeth II. We will be focusing on their lives and looking and their importance during events in History. Queen Elizabeth was born in 1533 and died in 1603. Queen Elizabeth was the last of the five monarchs of the House of Tudor.            Queen Elizabeth II was born in 1926 and is 96 years old. She is the longest reigning monarch in history.

The children will explore our characters and how significant events impacted History. In this part of History, we will study Queen Elizabeth’s life and role in society. We will also be exploring the Spanish Armada and how different England could have been today if England had not won.  

Year 2 will have weekly PE sessions focussing on “striking and fielding” where the children will use their RESPECT values to complete a range of fun and engaging activities.

This term the children will participate in WOW lessons. Below is an overview:

Lesson 1 We will be looking at how to save and spend money, the difference between “needing” and “wanting”, having a job means we can buy things with the money we earnt and what “community” means

Lesson 2 People make a range of choices about how they spend and save money – which is up to them. We learn about how to look after money and why this is important and the range of ways we can do this.

Lesson 3 – Learning that everyone has different strengths, interests and how to work collaboratively with people. Finally, how we talk and share our ideas with people as well as accepting different views.

Lesson 4 – Learning that everyone has different strengths, interests and how to work collaboratively with people. Finally, how we talk and share our ideas with people as well as accepting different views.

Lesson 5 – To have self-respect for your own body and be able to name the main body parts. We also learn and understand how to treat our bodies with respect and what to do if we hear (or are asked) something we don’t like.

Lesson 6 – To understand how it feels to be lonely or isolated. We will talk about preparing to move into another year group and what is kind and un-kind behaviour.





All of our missions represent the seven key behaviour traits of our RESPECT curriculum in an engaging and exciting way to equip our children for life beyond the classroom and promote positive mental health.

Our Behaviour traits:








Home learning


To help support your child at home, we encourage parents to read with your child daily and complete your child’s reading diary.  Frequent reading will enable your child to practise their phonics, their reading fluency and comprehension skills. Please bring book bags into school every day so children can read each morning and so that their books can be changed weekly.


We will no longer be sending home English and Maths homework. Your child’s homework is to now read a minimum of three times a week. Parents or guardians need to sign their child’s reading record weekly.

Clubs & Activities

PE sessions and Missions will take place at different times of the week in Year 2 due to hall bookings.

A range of booster sessions will be available for the children – please speak to your class teacher regarding these.

Our Year 2 Team – Mrs Wilkinson – KS1 leader

2AJ– Miss Jenkins and Mrs Ormrod.

2VR – Miss Roberts and Mrs Frys

2LW- Miss Winder and Miss Hill


If you have any concerns or need more information, please speak to one of the class teachers on the playground before school, or make an appointment through the school admin office.

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