Autumn Term 2021: Year 6 Newsletter

Year 6 Newsletter 

Welcome Back!

A big welcome back to all the pupils! The teachers, Miss Shaw, Miss Hall, Miss Bostan and Miss Stuart, are excited for all the fantastic learning ahead!


This term, we will be prioritising English, maths and reading due to the amount of time the children were not in the classroom last year. We will still be teaching a broad curriculum including WOW (Wise Owl Wellbeing) where we will be looking at emotions, online safety and how to keep our minds and bodies healthy!  Year 6 are going to be learning about World War Two, as part of the RESPECT curriculum. We can’t wait to learn all about the British war effort, evacuees, The Blitz and Dunkirk.

Home Learning

To help support your child at home, we encourage parents to read with their child daily. Frequent reading will enable your child to increase their language fluency, comprehension skills and reading stamina and will help with all areas of the curriculum. Children should bring their reading books into school daily.

Support with homework where possible would help enable your child to progress further throughout the year. English and maths homework is given out on Thursdays to be handed in by the following Tuesday. We also ask that the children practise their mental and written arithmetic as often as possible.

We will be continuing to focus on learning new vocabulary, and these words will be sent home every other week in the form of ‘fridge words’- designed to be stuck on the fridge or somewhere else in the house! We’d appreciate it if you can talk about these words with your child and see where you can fit them into your daily conversations to help us make them stick in your child’s long term memory!

General Information

PE will take place on the following days in the autumn term:

6NB Mondays

6LS Tuesdays

6SS Wednesdays

6AH Thursdays


For safety reasons, please ensure that your child brings trainers/pumps for these lessons. Earrings should not be worn for PE. If studs cannot be removed, they should be covered by a plaster.


Also, a reminder that we are a ‘Nut Free’ school. Please do not put anything in your child’s lunchbox which contains nuts as we have some pupils with severe allergies.


Please do send a labelled water bottle into school with your child so they can stay hydrated throughout the day.


Our Year 6 Team

Assistant Principal of Year 5 and 6 – Mrs Hetherington

6SS – Miss Shaw  

6AH – Miss Hall  

6NB – Miss Bostan 

6LS – Miss Stuart

Year 6 Teaching Assistants – Mrs Gillespie, Mrs Panayiotou


If you do have any concerns or need more information, do get in touch! Thank you for your ongoing support for this academic year.

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