Autumn Term 2019/20: Year 1 Newsletter

Year 1 Autumn Newsletter


As part of the RESPECT curriculum this term, our topic in Year 1 is ‘Simba & Me’. We will be focusing on

Walt Disney and looking at how inspirational he was. Walt Disney is well known for being an animator,

cartoonist and film director. He is best known for his character creations such as Mickey Mouse. He

became famous for his first ever movie, ‘Snow White & the seven dwarfs’ which aired in 1937! There are

a series of Missions we are going to complete linked to this topic through PE based activities. As part of

our missions, we will develop our teamwork skills and work together to avoid the dangers of the African

Savannah. We will have to use equipment to come up with a route across the river and take ownership

and use our navigation skills to direct our peers through the Elephant Graveyard. This term we will be

going on visits to the local Library and to our local church to learn more about Christianity, linked to our

RE area of learning. We will be sending out letters to advise when these trips out will be.

Home learning

To help support your child at home, we encourage parents to read with their child daily! Frequent reading

will enable your child to practise their phonics, their reading fluency, comprehension skills and to practise

recognising the kick start words learnt for Year 1. These can be found in the reading record books. Please

bring book bags into school every day so children can read each morning and so that their books can be

changed at least once weekly.

Please take a look at our homework menus, which you can find at the front of the children’s homework books.

We are excited to see the children’s creations from the homework menu and DOJO points will be given for the

efforts made. English and Maths homework is given out on Thursday and is due in at the latest the following


Phonics spellings will be given out each Monday and the children will need to practise each night in

preparation for a spelling test on a Friday.

Clubs & Activities

PE sessions and Missions will take place at different times of the week in Year 1 due to booking the hall for

Mission time.

Singing Assembly - Tuesday afternoons

Homework club - Thursday after school until 4pm.

Art club – Tuesday after school until 4pm.

Due to the amount of children in Year 1, places are limited to 10 per class, so will be given on a first come first

served basis. Your child will be given a slip if they have a space.

We will also be starting phonics booster groups after the October half term holidays, to prepare for the

phonics screening test that will take place in June. If your child has a place, you will be notified.

Our Year 1 Team – Mrs Wilkinson – KS1 leader

1CC – Miss Cunliffe and Mrs Beaumont

1LW – Miss Winder and Mrs Bristow

1LA- Miss Ashworth and Mrs Roberts

Miss Jenkins will be supporting Year 1 until she leaves for Maternity at the end of September.

If you do have any concerns or need more information, please speak to one of the class teachers on the

playground before school, or make an appointment through the school admin office.

Autumn Term 2019/20: Reception Newsletter

Welcome to Reception

Welcome back to all the children and families. We hope you have had a lovely summer

and are ready for an exciting year. We have lots of exciting topics and activities

planned for the children.

We hope all the children have a fantastic time with us.

Topics this half term.

Our topic this term is ‘All about me.’ We will be looking at ourselves, how different and

unique we all are and how we can be friends with each other.

The books we will be reading are ‘Dogs’ and ‘Only one you.’

The children will begin to take part in Missions with Commando Glen, helping to rescue

Incey Wincey or help Humpty Dumpty.

Morning Activities and Attendance

Every morning in Reception we invite parents into class to help support your children

with name writing and other fine motor activities. Our doors open at 8:50 and close at

9:05. Any children that arrive after this time will have to go to the main office and

wait with their parents until staff are able to collect them. This is to help minimise

disruptions during learning time.

If you would like any more information on our attendance policy, please speak to one of

the class teachers.

Meet the team

Reception 1 - Mrs Carter and Miss Jones

Reception 2 - Miss Wardle and Mrs Ogden

Reception 3 - Miss Horsfall and Miss Gardner

Please follow our Facebook page to keep up to date with events and news.

Home Learning

To help support your child at home, we encourage parents to read with their child daily!

This could be something as simple as a shopping list, a short story or even a comic. By

reading daily at home, this will support your child in understanding how sentences are

structured, as well as getting them to recognise key words before being able to write

them. Daily reading is also a great way to support early writing too.

For more information, please visit the link below -

Another excellent way to support your child at home, is by practising their key words.

Reception children are given 100 high frequency words, most commonly used throughout

life and children are encouraged to recognise these by sight throughout the reception

year. Helping your child learn these words by sight will support your child’s reading and

writing skills throughout their learning journey.

If you misplace this list or need ideas on ways to make learning keywords fun, please

speak to the class teachers who will be more than happy to help and support.

We know this year is going to be full of success stories and children excelling with

their learning.

If you do have any concerns or need more information, please speak to one of the class

teachers who will be happy to help.

Here’s to a great year!

- The Reception Team.

Summer Term: Nursery Newsletter

As we approach Summer 1 Term we would like to tell you all about what we will be doing in Nursery. Our topic for Summer 1 will be Farm and we will be reading stories based around farm’s and learning all about them. We will be having eggs delivered to school and waiting to see what will hatch out of them. It will be very exciting for the children to see and also help to take care of whatever hatches.


In Numeracy we will continue to work on our number recognition and counting skills and also we will be learning about 2D shapes.


Remember to keep supporting your children with their name writing and enjoy reading stories and singing songs with them. Also looking for numbers in the environment and counting really helps your child with their learning.

Thank you.

Summer Term: Reception Newsletter

During this Summer Term, the topic for Reception is ‘On the Farm’. We have had some chicken eggs delivered and we’re anxiously waiting the arrival of the new baby chicks. We will be learning all about the lifecycle of baby chickens and how to care for them.  

 In literacy we are reading the book ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ by Julia Donaldson looking closely at the similarities and differences between the different animals living on the farm. We will be talking and writing about the role of a farmer and his busy day, looking after all the animals on his farm.

In maths we will continue to develop our number skills by solving word problems that include addition, subtraction, doubling and halving. The children will be counting in 2’s,5’s and 10’s. They will also be covering positional and directional language. The children will recognise and discuss the properties of both 2D and 3D shapes.

There is a new homework grid in their books. Homework is given out on a Friday and we encourage that children complete the given tasks to support their learning and to develop their independent skills ready for transitioning into Year 1.


We thank you for your continued support.

From all Reception Staff

Summer Term: Year 1 Newsletter

Year 1 Newsletter


This Term our topic in Year 1 is focusing on Steve Backshall as part of the RESPECT curriculum. Steve Backshall is an animal man and an adventurer who travels the world. He has explored many parts of the globe and shared his discoveries and adventures. Some may know him from the BBC TV show ‘Deadly 60’, where he documents his visits to see the most dangerous animals!  As part of our missions in school, we will become ‘Wildlife Warriors’ and take on an expedition to Borneo looking for new species of endangered animals and decide what important equipment to take with us to survive! We will also come across an abandoned crocodile nest that has been inhibited by poisonous snakes – we will have to come up with an idea to save the eggs and also solve a mission to save a family of Koalas that have been found stuck up the tree!


Home learning

To help support your child at home, we encourage parents to read with their child daily! Frequent reading will enable your child to increase their language fluency, comprehension skills and reading stamina and will help with all areas of the curriculum such as phonics and writing.

Please take a look at our fantastic homework menus, which you can find on the school website and at the front of the children’s homework books. English and Maths homework is given out on Tuesday and is due in at the latest the following Monday. We are excited to see the children’s creations from the homework menu and DOJO points will be given for the effort made.

Spellings will be given out each Monday and the children will need to practise each night in preparation for a spelling test on the Friday.

General information

We are enjoying our PE sessions and Missions which are all at different times of the week in Year 1 due to booking the hall for Mission time.

We have singing assembly on a Tuesday afternoon that the children are really enjoying and singing beautifully!

We are also starting phonics booster groups this term to prepare for the phonics screening test that will take place in June. If your child has a place, you will be notified.

Our Year 1 Team –

1AJ – Miss Jenkins, Miss Hill and Miss Bolger

1LW – Miss Winder and Miss Shields

1SH- Miss Horsfall, Mrs Beaumont and Miss McNair

If you do have any concerns or need more information, please speak to one of the class teachers on the playground before school, or make an appointment through the school admin office.



Summer Term: Year 2 Newsletter

Year 2 Newsletter


This term year 2 will be learning all about the Queen and the history of the Monarchy. We will be labelling timelines and places artefacts and events in order.  We will be making historical enquiries, discussing the reliability of photos and accounts of stories. In Design and Technology, we will be having lots of fun decorating textiles using a number of techniques.

In maths we will be applying our mathematical knowledge to choose and use appropriate standard units to estimate and measure length/height in any direction, mass, temperature and capacity.

Our Royal Missions continue to focus on teamwork, empathy and communication as children think about the Queen being the longest serving Monarch and what character traits she requires to make this accomplishment. We will be asking ourselves the question… could we be the Queen or King?

We will be enjoying a visit to Lego land in the Summer term to enrich our English curriculum and we will be writing a recount about our visit.

Our KS1 clubs will continue to run as usual from 3:30pm – 4:00pm. Monday is Art club, Tuesday is Homework club and Multi-skills, Wednesday is Ipad club and Thursday is Grammar club.

Summer Term: Year 3 Newsletter

Year 3 Newsletter Summer 2019

We hope you had a fantastic Easter holiday and are looking forward to a fantastic final term!


This term, Year 3 are studying Nellie Bly, an American journalist, who was famous for her record-breaking trip travelling around the world in 72 days. Our topic work will involve geographical skills, scientific investigations, technological designs and historical enquiries. During this topic, children will undertake Nellie Bly style missions based on her amazing adventure. These missions will test our teamwork, resilience, empathy and communication skills to the limit! We’re all excited to learn more about Nellie Bly and her astounding adventure around the world!

Home learning

To help support your child at home, we encourage parents to read with their child daily. Your child’s individual reading book can be changed as soon as it’s finished in the re-vamped school library. Frequent reading will enable your child to increase their language fluency, comprehension skills and reading stamina and will help with all areas of the curriculum.

Support with homework where possible would help enable your child to progress further throughout the year. Please take a look at our fantastic homework menus, which you can find on the school website. Homework is given on a Thursday and should be returned by the following Wednesday. It will include a piece of English, often linked to particular grammar skills, and a piece of maths, practicing written calculations. We also ask that the children practice their times tables as often as possible to help consolidate their skills.


Another excellent way to support your child at home, is by practising spelling their high frequency words or practising the spelling rule they are being taught that week. Words that follow that week’s spelling rule are given out on a Thursday with homework and are tested the following week.

General information

We are extremely lucky to have weekly PE sessions with City in the Community sports coaches every Thursday. This term we will also be having an additional gymnastics PE lesson every Wednesday. For safety reasons, please ensure that your child brings an appropriate plain top, shorts and footwear for these lessons. Furthermore, stud earrings are not worn on these days.

If you have any concerns or need more information, please speak to one of the class teachers on the playground before school, or make an appointment through the school admin office.

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook where you will be able to catch up on our class news!

Thank you for your ongoing support,

Miss Newton, Miss Connor, Mr Carpenter, Miss Bolger, Mrs Wallwork and Mrs Roberts


Summer Term: Year 4 Newsletter

Year 4 Newsletter


Year 4 are currently looking at Kira Salak as part of the RESPECT curriculum. Kira Salak is a celebrated adventurer, journalist and travel writer. She has explored many parts of the globe and documented her discoveries and adventures. During this topic, adventurers will travel to the Democratic Republic of Congo, through Tanzania and into Kenya. They will be working together to experience of trying to free a captured gorilla and overcome the many challenges they face.


Home learning

To help support your child at home, we encourage parents to read with their child daily! Frequent reading will enable your child to increase their language fluency, comprehension skills and reading stamina and will help with all areas of the curriculum.

Support with homework where possible would help enable your child to progress further throughout the year. Please take a look at our fantastic homework menus, which you can find on the school website. English and Maths homework is given out on Thursday and is due in the following Tuesday. We also ask that the children practice their times tables as often as possible to help consolidate their skills.

Another excellent way to support your child at home, is by practising spelling their high frequency words or practising the spelling rule they are being taught that week. Spellings will be given out each Monday and they will be tested on the following Friday.

General information

We are enjoying our PE sessions with City in the Community sports coaches every Thursday. For safety reasons, please ensure that your child brings appropriate footwear for these lessons, e.g. trainers.

Swimming lessons take place every Wednesday morning. To ensure your children get the best out of these sessions, please send them into school with the correct swimming costume and a towel.

Our Year 4 Team –

NB – Miss Bostan and Miss Bristow

EC – Miss Cooper, Mr Fletcher and Miss Connelly

If you do have any concerns or need more information, please speak to one of the class teachers on the playground before school, or make an appointment through the school admin office.

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook where you will be able to catch up on our class news!

Summer Term: Year 6 Newsletter

Year 6 Newsletter Summer 2019


This term is always a busy one for Y6, as we prepare for our SATS, the transition to secondary school, leavers’ celebrations and last but no means least, the leavers’ assembly!

Throughout the term, we’ll be continuing immersing ourselves in the world of the Amazon jungle, where a plane has crash-landed and four children have found themselves stranded, but not alone… it’s ‘The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell.  Using the book as inspiration, the children will then write their own exciting adventure stories.

During the second half of the summer term, year 6 will be learning about Ibn Battuta, who was a Moroccan scholar and explorer, who is known for the account of his journeys called the Rihla.  He was considered the greatest traveler of the medieval period. Our topic work will involve historical inquiry, geographical skills, scientific investigations as well as philosophy.  Our secret missions will test out resilience, teamwork and communication skills.

Home learning

To help support your child at home, we encourage parents to read with their child daily. Frequent reading will enable your child to increase their language fluency, comprehension skills and reading stamina and will help with all areas of the curriculum. With a re-vamped library and brand new reading scheme books, there’s something for everyone. Individual reading book records are checked most mornings throughout the week.

Support with homework where possible would help enable your child to progress further throughout the year. Please take a look at our fantastic homework menus, which you can find on the school website. English and Maths homework is given out on Thursday and is due in the following Tuesday. We also ask that the children practice their mental and written arithmetic as often as possible.

Another excellent way to support your child at home, is by practising spelling their high frequency words or practising the spelling rule they are being taught that week. A useful website is which has games and practice tests for each spelling rule in the national curriculum Year 1-6.

At Briscoe Lane, we are very lucky to also have the resources IXL and to help Year 6 pupils with their maths and grammar home-learning. Every child has their own log in and the teachers keep a track of their progress regularly.

If you have any concerns or need more information, please speak to one of the class teachers on the playground before school, or make an appointment through the school admin office.

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook where you will be able to catch up on our class news!


The Year 6 team:


Miss Preece, Mrs Buckley, Mr Breeze, Miss Shaw, Mrs Smith, Mrs Jackson

Spring Term: Nursery Newsletter

This term Nursery are going wild and looking at books connected to wild, endangered and pre

historic animals.

Spring one is all about wild animals and we will be looking at such a books as ‘Dear Zoo’ and Brown

bear’ Nursery love learning about different animals and where they live. To support children in

learning about these wild animals, Chester Zoo will be working with nursery classes linked to

sustainable environments and how we can all do our part to protect our planet.

Spring 2 is all about dinosaurs and space. We will be looking at such books as ‘never trap a dinosaur’

and ‘aliens love dinosaurs’. During this half term we might even be able to meet one and dress up as

our favourite linked to World Book Day. Keep an eye out during spring 1, for letters and ideas for

World Book Day.

During spring 2 we will also be holding our annual Easter bonnet parade, so keep your eyes open for

dates nearer the time.

Spring Term: Reception Newsletter

This term Reception are going ‘wild’ and looking at books connected to the forest and prehistoric

creatures. Spring 1 is all about animals that live in the forest such as foxes, owls and even wolves!

The Gruffalo’s child and Little Red Riding Hood are our two main books linked to forest animals. Julia

Donaldson is one of receptions favourite author. She uses lots of rhyme to support the flow of

reading which supports our talk for writing lessons. Mr Bramble’s favourite Julia Donaldson book is

‘Room on the Broom’.

Spring 2 is all about dinosaurs and we know it’s going to be a ‘Roar’some topic! Linked to world book

day children will be looking at books such as ‘the dinosaur that lost his roar’, ‘Am I yours?’ and ‘The

Dinosaur that Pooed a Planet’. We know this is going to be a topic our Reception will love.

During spring 2 we will also be holding our annual Easter bonnet parade, so keep your eyes open for

dates nearer the time.

Spring Term: Year 1 Newsletter

This term our topic is Traditional Tales such as 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Jack and the Beanstalk, Little Red Riding Hood and The Three Little Pigs'. In order to learn the stories and be able to re-write them, we have been focusing on using talk for writing to support us in remembering the stories off by heart. For the first two weeks of Spring 2, we have been doing lots of learning about Dinosaurs, which is linked to our World Book Day theme this year! We are excited to take part in a range of activities during World Book Day. We loved our visit from the enormous T-Rex 'Jam!'  We have recently been to the Saddleworth Toy Museum to learn all about old and new toys and compare them and this has linked to our History learning in class. We also really enjoyed our trip to Chester Zoo in February- we saw lots of different animals and even visited the bat cave!  
For the next few weeks we will be continuing to learn more Traditional Tales in English. In Maths, we will be focusing on multiplication and division, Number and place value within 50, how to measure height and length and fractions. We are also looking at Roman numerals to 10 and counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. There are various songs on Youtube that the children can listen to to practise counting in multiples.  We will also be doing lots of learning around Phonics to prepare us for the phonics screening test. 
Home Learning

 We would encourage that your child reads at home everyday and practises their spellings which are given out on a Monday each week. If you would like to support your child at home with phonics, please visit these sites and encourage them to play the games at home whenever possible - focus on phase 3, 4 and 5. There is also a fun phonics app that can be downloaded at a small cost called 'Teach your Monster to Read'. The sounds that the children need to know can be found in the reading record book. 

General InformationPlease ensure your child brings in their school book bag each day so that they can read.Spellings are handed out on monday each week - please practise everydayHomework is given on a Tuesday and is expected back by the following Monday latest. PE sessions are once per week. We also do a PE Mission linked to our topic. (Kit provided by school) 
ClubsAll clubs finish at 4pm Phonics Booster Club - Monday/Tuesday AM - 8:15 Monday - Art Club Tuesday  - Homework Club / Multi Skills  Wednesday- Ipad Club

Spring Term: Year 2 Newsletter

This term we will be learning all about Pocahontas and how English settlers and Native Americans first met and how their relationships developed.

We are covering application of number, units of measure and position in maths, we are writing about dinosaurs for World Book Day, instructions and a letter for Engineering Week in English. Science this term is all about growth so we are looking forward to spring and tending to our garden in the quadrant.

Our Missions are focussing on teamwork, empathy and communication as we think about what would have been important to the Powhatan tribe and the English colonists. 

Our clubs are Art on Monday 3:30-4pm.
Homework Club Tuesday 3:30-4pm.
Key Skills Tuesday 3:30-4pm.
Ipad on Wednesday 3:30-4pm.
Grammar on Thursday 3:30-4pm.

Thank you
Mrs O’Brien 
Miss Brown
Miss Wolstenholme

Spring Term: Year 3 Newsletter

This term, Year 3 are learning all about Sir Ernest Shackleton, a British polar explorer who went on numerous expeditions to Antarctica in the early 1900’s, as part of our RESPECT curriculum. We are excited to learn all about what he and his crew experienced during his various explorations to Antarctica. We can’t wait to find out all about this fascinating place. Everyone is really eager to take part in class missions, giving us the chance to experience some of the challenges Ernest and his crews would have faced. We will need to show amazing communication, resilience, self-awareness and an enormous amount of teamwork if we are to fulfill our missions. Our favourite author this term is Roald Dahl, we have been reading a variety of his books.

Spring Term: Year 4 Newsletter

Year 4 Newsletter


Year 4 are currently looking at Leif Erikson as part of the RESPECT curriculum. Leif Erikson is a Norse explorer. He was amongst the first Europeans to reach North America, centuries ahead of Christopher Columbus. The sagas of his voyage have caused a historical debate. Some claim that Erikson’s landing in America was accidental; others claim he sailed there on purpose after hearing about the lands from earlier explorers. During this topic, children will undertake Leif Erikson style survival missions based on his voyage across Europe. The children will develop and display all values of the respect curriculum, particularly resilience, teamwork and communication.


Home learning

To help support your child at home, we encourage parents to read with their child daily! Frequent reading will enable your child to increase their language fluency, comprehension skills and reading stamina and will help with all areas of the curriculum.

Support with homework where possible would help enable your child to progress further throughout the year. Please take a look at our fantastic homework menus, which you can find on the school website. English and Maths homework is given out on Thursday and is due in the following Tuesday. We also ask that the children practice their times tables as often as possible to help consolidate their skills.

Another excellent way to support your child at home, is by practising spelling their high frequency words or practising the spelling rule they are being taught that week. Spellings are given out every Monday and a spelling test is taken every Friday. Please see the attached letter for more information.



General information

We are really looking forward to our PE sessions with City in the Community sports coaches every Thursday. For safety reasons, please ensure that your child brings appropriate footwear for these lessons.

Swimming lessons take place every Wednesday morning. To ensure your children get the best out of these sessions, please send them into school with the correct swimming costume and a towel.

Year 4 children took part in a series of Chester Zoo workshops all about the impact Palm Oil is having on animal’s habitat in the wild, particularly rainforests for the Chimpanzees and Orangutans. Following the workshop, children had an opportunity to visit Chester Zoo which they thoroughly enjoyed.

Our Year 4 Team –

NB – Miss Bostan and Miss Bristow

EC – Miss Cooper, Mr Fletcher and Miss Connelly

If you do have any concerns or need more information, please speak to one of the class teachers on the playground before school, or make an appointment through the school admin office.

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook where you will be able to catch up on our class news!

Spring Term: Year 5 Newsletter

Year 5 Newsletter Spring 2019

Happy New Year!

We hope you had a fantastic Christmas holiday and are looking forward to a brilliant 2019.


This term, Year 5 are studying Sir Ranulph Fiennes, an inspirational British explorer. Much of our topic work will focus around his incredible trans-global expedition. We will be taking part in missions to experience some of the challenges explorers face: showing determination and resilience to overcome these challenges.  In our writing lessons, we will be writing stories, persuasive texts and letters. Our class novels will be the exciting stories ‘Treasure Island’ and ‘Holes’. In maths, we will be focusing on fractions, place value and written methods to apply when solving word problems, for instance figuring out how far Sir Ranulph Fiennes travelled on his adventures! 

Home learning

To help support your child at home, we encourage parents to read with their child daily. Your child’s individual reading book can be changed as soon as it’s finished in the re-vamped school library. Frequent reading will enable your child to increase their language fluency, comprehension skills and reading stamina and will help with all areas of the curriculum.

Support with homework where possible would help enable your child to progress further throughout the year. Please take a look at our fantastic homework menus, which you can find on the school website. Homework is given on a Thursday and should be returned by the following Tuesday. It will include a piece of English, often linked to particular grammar skills, and a piece of maths, practicing written calculations. We also ask that the children practice their times tables as often as possible to help consolidate their skills.


Another excellent way to support your child at home, is by practising spelling their high frequency words or practising the spelling rule they are being taught that week. Words that follow that week’s spelling rule are given out on a Friday and are tested the following week.

General information

We are very lucky to have weekly PE sessions with City in the Community sports coaches every Thursday. For safety reasons, please ensure that your child brings appropriate footwear for these lessons and that stud earrings are not worn on these days.

If you have any concerns or need more information, please speak to one of the class teachers on the playground before school, or make an appointment through the school admin office.

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook where you will be able to catch up on our class news!

Thank you for your ongoing support,

Miss Hall and Mr Jenkins

Spring Term: Year 6 Newsletter

Year 6 Newsletter

Happy new year!

All the Year 6 staff wish you and your families a happy and healthy 2019.


This term, Year 6 are learning about Amelia Earhart, an inspiring and courageous pilot, who achieved many incredible feats, such as becoming the first female aviator to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. Our topic work will involve geographical skills, scientific investigations, technological designs and historical enquiries. Our flight missions will test our teamwork, resilience, empathy and communication skills to the limit!

Throughout the term, we’ll be immersing ourselves in the world of the Amazon jungle, where a plane has crash-landed and four children have found themselves stranded, but not alone… it’s ‘The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell!

In the second half of the spring term, Year 6 will be venturing into the world of Dinosaurs with a special writing project – Dinosaurology: the search for a lost world. We can’t wait to create our special books and show them off!

Home learning

To help support your child at home, we encourage parents to read with their child daily. Frequent reading will enable your child to increase their language fluency, comprehension skills and reading stamina and will help with all areas of the curriculum. With a re-vamped library and brand new reading scheme books, there’s something for everyone. Individual reading book records are checked most mornings throughout the week.

Support with homework where possible would help enable your child to progress further throughout the year. Please take a look at our fantastic homework menus, which you can find on the school website. English and Maths homework is given out on Thursday and is due in the following Tuesday. We also ask that the children practice their mental and written arithmetic as often as possible.


Another excellent way to support your child at home, is by practising spelling their high frequency words or practising the spelling rule they are being taught that week. A useful website is which has games and practice tests for each spelling rule in the national curriculum Year 1-6.

At Briscoe Lane, we are very lucky to also have the resources IXL and to help Year 6 pupils with their maths and grammar home-learning. Every child has their own log in and the teachers keep a track of their progress regularly.

If you have any concerns or need more information, please speak to one of the class teachers on the playground before school, or make an appointment through the school admin office.

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook where you will be able to catch up on our class news!

The Year 6 team:

Miss Preece, Mrs Buckley, Mr Breeze, Miss Shaw, Mrs Smith, Mrs Jackson

Nursery Newsletter

This term is very exciting for Nursery as we have lots of new children starting with us over the next few weeks!

Staff have been to visit them at their homes where they have been eager to show their favourite toys and try on new school jumpers. The new children have also been invited into Nursery for ‘stay and plays’ where they have explored the nursery indoor and outdoor environments.
Most of Nursery 3 children have stayed with us for another year in Nursery, and they can’t wait to meet their new friends!

All of the children have come back to Nursery looking very smart and grown up in their school uniforms and are ready for lots of learning and fun!

Over the next few weeks we will be looking at the book, 'You Choose.' We will be using the book to help us make decisions and choices, such as what we want to dress up as, or what we would like to eat. In Maths we will be looking at patterns and identifying numbers up to 10. 
As we arrive in the mornings we will also be beginning to write our names. Please make sure your child has their coat with them everyday as we play out in all weathers!

Staff in Nursery this year are:

Nursery 1 - Miss Ennis and Miss Pilkington

Nursery 2 - Miss Millership and Miss Haselden

Nursery 3 - Mrs Carter and Miss Gardner

If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to come and see us.

The Nursery Team

Reception Newsletter

Welcome back -

All the teachers have been so excited all summer to meet their new classes and they were not disappointed. All children came into their new classes eager to explore and engage in learning. Reception classrooms have been worked on over summer by the teachers and are looking amazing. The teachers are now planning exciting activities to utilise the outside area to its full potential.

Did anyone see our brand new AstroTurf?


This half term –

This half term we will be looking at books connected to being unique and also supporting children when leaving their parents / carers in the morning. The books for this half term are Owl Babies by Martin Waddell and Dogs by Emily Gravett. 


Morning Writing –

We are inviting parents to come into classes in the morning to help support children’s writing. This will include activities such as; name writing, finding keywords and fine motor activities, to help support children’s writing.


Home Learning

To help support your child at home, we encourage parents to read with their child daily! This could be something as simple as a shopping list or a short story or even a comic. By reading daily at home, this will support your child in understanding how sentences are structured, as well as getting them to recognise key words before being able to write them. Daily reading is also a great way to support early writing too.

For more information please visit the link below -

Another excellent way to support your child at home is by practising their key words. Reception children are given 100 high frequency words, most commonly used throughout life and children are encouraged to recognise these by sight throughout the reception year. Helping your child learn these words by sight will support your child’s reading and writing skills throughout their learning journey.

If you misplace this list or need ideas on ways to make learning keywords fun, please speak to the class teachers who will be more than happy to help and support.


Our Team –

There are a few new faces in Reception this year and we wanted to introduce you to our new Reception team –

Reception 1 – Mr Bramble, Mrs Hart and Mrs Bryer.

Reception 2 – Miss Waddell and Miss Jones

Reception 3 – Mrs Farey and Miss Gardner.


We know this year is going to be full of success stories and children excelling with their learning.

If you do have any concerns or need more information, please speak to one of the class teachers who will be happy to help.

Here’s to a great year!


  • The Reception Team.

Year 1 Newsletter

Welcome Back

Year 1 would like to welcome all the children back after the summer holidays and into their new year 1 classes. The classrooms are looking amazing and are ready for the children to take part in some super learning opportunities.


This half term Year 1 will be looking at Walt Disney as part of the RESPECT curriculum. Walt Disney is known for animating, acting and film producing in films such as Snow White and The Lion King. We also can’t wait to complete our RESPECT missions alongside our Walt Disney focus. In Maths we will be working with numbers up to 100 including, addition, subtraction, shape and  place value.

Home learning

To help support your child at home, we encourage parents to read with their child daily! Support with homework where possible would help  enable your child to progress further throughout the year. Please see our amazing homework menus which you can find at the start of each topic. The first one this Term is Simba and Me.

General information

Spellings are given out on a Monday morning each week and should be practised for 10 minutes each day. A spelling test takes place every Friday during phonics lessons.

Homework is given out on a Tuesday and should be given back by the following Monday.

P.E takes place either on Tuesdays or  Wednesdays each week. P.E kits are provided by the school.

Please ensure your child has a coat in school every day as the weather is always changing.

Our Year 1 Team –

AJ– Miss Jenkins, Miss Hill and Miss Bolger                                                                     

LW – Miss Winder and Miss Shields

SH - Miss Horsfall, Mrs Beaumont and Miss McNair                                                       

We know this year is going to be full of success stories and children excelling with their learning. If you do have any concerns or need more information, please speak to one of the class teachers who will be happy to help. Here’s to a great year!

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