Autumn Term 2021: Year 2 Newsletter

Welcome to Year 2!

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome Back
A big welcome back to all the pupils in Year 2! It is great to see you all again and all of those happy faces as we begin our new term. The teachers, Miss Jenkins, Miss Winder and Miss Roberts, have been hard at work preparing for the new term and sorting the Year 2 classrooms to get them ready for our return. This year is a really significant year in school for your children, as they embark on their final year of Key Stage 1 and prepare for Key Stage 2. They will become confident, independent learners this year and develop the many skills they have learnt already! We are aiming for a ‘can do’ attitude from all pupils J 

Teachers will be out on the playground for a few minutes before school each day at 8:45 to meet the children and will be at the door after school until all children have been dismissed. We understand that you may be anxious to meet your new child’s teacher and have lots of questions, so please feel free to speak to us if you have any queries.

This term, Year 2 will be focussing on reading, writing and maths in our morning sessions and topic learning in the afternoon. We do Read Write Inc for phonics to support our learning of sounds and sight words for reading. As part of our RESPECT curriculum we will be learning all about Samuel Pepys and the Great Fire of London.  The children will be taking on a journey back in time, exploring how the terrible disaster started in 1666 and how times have changed since. The children will also take part in missions linked to this topic with our Commando Joes. The missions will focus on our RESPECT values- Resilience, Empathy, Self- awareness, Positivity, Excellence, Communication and Teamwork!  We will need to use resilience, our communication skills and teamwork to successfully complete the missions together.

Home Learning
To help support your child at home, we encourage parents to read with your child daily. Frequent reading will enable your child to increase their language fluency, comprehension skills and reading stamina and will help with all areas of the curriculum. Please bring book bags, reading book and reading record each day so the children can read in class. Supporting your child with their homework where possible would help enable them to progress further throughout the year. Please take a look at our fantastic homework menus, which you can find on the school website and at the front of your child’s homework book. English and Maths homework is given out on Wednesday and is due in the following Monday. Another excellent way to support your child at home, is by practising reading and spelling of the common exception words for Year 2. These will be handed out in the back of homework books. This year we will also be practising reciting our 2x, 5x, and 10x tables, so any practise at home the children can do to recall these will help to prepare them for SATS J 

General Information
Water bottles – Please send your child in with a reusable water bottle each day with their name clearly marked. The children have access to these at all times during the school day and keeping hydrated is really important. Polite reminder – please only send water in your child’s bottle. Fizzy drinks are not allowed.                                                                                                                                                                               PE – PE kits are provided by the school and children will get changed in school on their designated PE day. Each class has a different PE day due to busy timetables.
Fruit – During playtimes we do have fruit available for every child each day.



Drop off and collection

School starts at 8:50 and the children are expected to line up on the playground at their class space.

Children in Miss Roberts class will leave at 3:10pm from the entrance next to the upper school car park.

Miss Winders class will leave at 3:15pm from the same door (upper school car park entrance)

Miss Jenkins’ class will leave from the entrance opposite the hub building on the same playground.  


Our Year 2 Team –

KS1 lead- Mrs Wilkinson

2AJ – Miss Jenkins and Miss Ormrod

2VR  – Miss Roberts and Mrs Frys
2LW – Miss Winder and Miss Hill


We are really looking forward to working with your child this year and hope that they enjoy their time in Year 2 and always try to do their very best J

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