Autumn Term 2021: Year 3 Newsletter

Year 3 – Newsletter

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome Back

A massive welcome back to all of our pupils! We’ve missed you! Your teachers this year are: Miss Cooper, Miss Newton and Miss Edwards.


To help the children continue to catch up on any missed curriculum content, the children will be focusing on reading, English and maths in the mornings.  Children will also undertake catch up sessions and further information will be sent out about this following our initial teacher assessments. Also this term, Year 3 will be learning all about Ed Stafford as part of their RESPECT curriculum! Ed Stafford was the first man to walk the length of the Amazon River that runs through the Amazon Rainforest in South America. The children will learn all about his adventure and any difficulties that he would have faced. Ed Stafford used a lot of the values that our school curriculum is based around.  In addition to this, the children will be taking part in mindfulness lessons as well WOW sessions which focus on wellbeing and self care.

Home Learning

To help support your child at home, we encourage parents to read with their child daily. Frequent reading will enable your child to increase their language fluency, comprehension skills and reading stamina and will help with all areas of the curriculum. Please send your child in daily with their reading book and reading record.

Support with homework where possible would help enable your child to progress further throughout the year. Please take a look at our fantastic homework menus, which you can find on the school website and at the front of your child’s homework book. English and Maths homework is given out on Thursday and is due in the following Tuesday.

Another excellent way to support your child at home, is by practising spelling their high frequency words or practising the spelling rule they are being taught that week. Spellings will be given out throughout the year and the children will be tested on them.

General Information

Water bottles – please send your child in with a reusable water bottle with your child’s name clearly marked.

PE – PE kits are provided by the school; however, we do require the children to bring in a pair of sensible shoes to participate in outdoor lessons. You can send your child in with a pair of shoes to keep in their lockers throughout the week.

Drop off and collection

Our drop off and collection times have returned to normal, and these will both take place on the junior playground entrance 1 each day.  Please bring your children to the junior playground by 8:45 in the morning, and then collect them at 3:15 at the end of the day.

Our Year 3 Team –
3EC – Miss Cooper and Mrs McNair                                                                      
3KN – Miss Newton and Miss Pilkington                                                    
3LE – Miss Edwards      

Mrs Smith, Miss Shields and Miss Bolger will also be supporting in Year 3.     

Madame Beth and Miss Rawling will also be in Year 3 for our weekly French and Computing lessons.                                                                                      

Key Stage Lead – Mrs Buckley



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