Autumn Term 2019/20: Year 4 Newsletter

Year 4 – Newsletter

Welcome Back

A big welcome back to all the pupils! The teachers, Miss Newton, Miss Taylor

and Mr Burns, have been hard at work preparing for the new term and sorting

the Year 4 classrooms.


This term, Year 4 will be learning about Bear Grylls as part of their RESPECT

curriculum! Bear Grylls is a British adventurer, writer and television presenter, most

well-known for his TV shows, such as ‘Man vs Wild’ and ‘Born Survivor’. We are

excited to find out about his survival techniques and his adventures hiking across the

Himalayas and climbing Mount Everest! The children will also take part in missions

which will focus on our RESPECT values. We will need to use resilience, our

communication skills and teamwork to successfully complete the missions together.

Home Learning

To help support your child at home, we encourage parents to read with their child

daily! Frequent reading will enable your child to increase their language fluency,

comprehension skills and reading stamina and will help with all areas of the


Support with homework where possible would help enable your child to progress

further throughout the year. Please take a look at our fantastic homework menus,

which you can find on the school website and at the front of your child’s homework

book. English and Maths homework is given out on Thursday and is due in the

following Tuesday.

Another excellent way to support your child at home, is by practising spelling their

high frequency words or practising the spelling rule they are being taught that week.

Spellings will be given out on a Thursday and there will be a spelling quiz on the

Friday of the following week.

Similarly, the Year 4 children will be tested on their Timestables at the end of the year

and so practising these at home will help to prepare them. We will be learning our

Timestables up to 12 and will be practising them in class also.

General Information

Swimming lessons will take place throughout the year on a weekly basis.

4MT – Monday afternoons

4KN and 4BB – Thursday mornings

To ensure your children get the best out of these sessions, please send them into

school with the correct swimming costume and a towel.

Club letters will be sent out in due course. Please return reply slips as soon as

possible to guarantee your child’s place.

Our Year 4 Team –

4KN – Miss Newton, Miss Bolger

4BB – Mr Burns, Miss Shields

4MT – Miss Taylor, Mrs Smith, Miss Wallwork

Key Stage Lead – Mrs Buckley

Madame Beth and Mr Trueman will also be in Year 4 every Friday for our weekly

French and Computing lessons.

If you do have any concerns or need more information, please speak to one of the

class teachers on the playground before school, or make an appointment through the

school admin office.

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook where you will be able to catch up on our class


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