Autumn Term 2021: Year 1 Newsletter

Year 1 Autumn Newsletter

Welcome back to all parents, carers and children! We are excited for all children to be back and hope you continue to be healthy, happy and safe. We look forward to a great year in Year 1.


To start off our term and as part of the RESPECT curriculum this term, our topic in Year 1 is ‘Simba & Me’.  We will be focusing on Walt Disney and looking at how inspirational he was. Walt Disney is well known for being an animator, cartoonist and film director. He is best known for his character creations such as Mickey Mouse. He became famous for his first ever movie, ‘Snow White & the seven dwarfs’ which aired in 1937! There are a series of Missions we are going to complete linked to this topic through PE based activities. As part of our missions, we will develop our teamwork skills and work together to solve problems linked to the wonderful world of Walt Disney and his brilliant films. PE sessions and Missions will take place at different times of the week in Year 1 due to booking the hall or outdoor spaces for Mission time.

For Phonics learning this year, we will be following the ‘Read Write Inc’ scheme. You can access resources and videos to support your child at home on youtube and on the Oxford Owl website (start from set 1 sounds). Phonics clubs and boosters will begin in the coming weeks.  Please see below the links to some useful phonics websites that will support the learning of phonics at home and the phonics set sounds in the order in which they will be learnt.

We will also be doing maths daily, including mental maths with your child to develop their skills. Here are some useful sites to use for maths learning at home.

Home learning

To support your child at home, we encourage parents to read with their child daily! Frequent reading will enable your child to practise their phonics, their reading fluency, comprehension skills and recognising the kick start words for Year 1. These can be found in the reading record books. Please bring book bags into school every day so children can read each morning and so that their books can be changed weekly.

Please also take a look at our homework menus, which you can find at the front of the children’s homework books. We are excited to see the children’s creations from the homework menu- there are some really enjoyable activities to do alongside our topic work. English and Maths homework is given out on Wednesday and is due in at the latest the following Monday.             


General Information

School times – School will start at 8:45am and finish at 3:15pm.
Water bottles – Please send your child in with a reusable water bottle with your child’s name clearly marked.
PE – PE kits are provided by the school. However, we do require the children to bring in a pair of sensible shoes to participate in outdoor lessons. You can send your child in with a pair of shoes to keep in their lockers throughout the week.


Our Year 1 Team

Mrs Wilkinson – KS1 leader

1CC- Miss Cunliffe and Mrs Rigby

1RY- Miss Yeomans and Mrs Beaumont

1SH – Miss Horsfall and Miss Burke – Thompson

1WF – Mrs Farey and Miss Burke - Thompson

Please note: After the Christmas half term 1SH will change to 1WF and children will be moved into the end year 1 classroom.

If you do have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to speak to one of the class teachers before school starts, or make an appointment through the school admin office.


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