Autumn Term 2019/20: Reception Newsletter

Welcome to Reception

Welcome back to all the children and families. We hope you have had a lovely summer

and are ready for an exciting year. We have lots of exciting topics and activities

planned for the children.

We hope all the children have a fantastic time with us.

Topics this half term.

Our topic this term is ‘All about me.’ We will be looking at ourselves, how different and

unique we all are and how we can be friends with each other.

The books we will be reading are ‘Dogs’ and ‘Only one you.’

The children will begin to take part in Missions with Commando Glen, helping to rescue

Incey Wincey or help Humpty Dumpty.

Morning Activities and Attendance

Every morning in Reception we invite parents into class to help support your children

with name writing and other fine motor activities. Our doors open at 8:50 and close at

9:05. Any children that arrive after this time will have to go to the main office and

wait with their parents until staff are able to collect them. This is to help minimise

disruptions during learning time.

If you would like any more information on our attendance policy, please speak to one of

the class teachers.

Meet the team

Reception 1 - Mrs Carter and Miss Jones

Reception 2 - Miss Wardle and Mrs Ogden

Reception 3 - Miss Horsfall and Miss Gardner

Please follow our Facebook page to keep up to date with events and news.

Home Learning

To help support your child at home, we encourage parents to read with their child daily!

This could be something as simple as a shopping list, a short story or even a comic. By

reading daily at home, this will support your child in understanding how sentences are

structured, as well as getting them to recognise key words before being able to write

them. Daily reading is also a great way to support early writing too.

For more information, please visit the link below -

Another excellent way to support your child at home, is by practising their key words.

Reception children are given 100 high frequency words, most commonly used throughout

life and children are encouraged to recognise these by sight throughout the reception

year. Helping your child learn these words by sight will support your child’s reading and

writing skills throughout their learning journey.

If you misplace this list or need ideas on ways to make learning keywords fun, please

speak to the class teachers who will be more than happy to help and support.

We know this year is going to be full of success stories and children excelling with

their learning.

If you do have any concerns or need more information, please speak to one of the class

teachers who will be happy to help.

Here’s to a great year!

- The Reception Team.

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